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pull off 意味

"pull off"の例文


  • {名} : <→PULL-OFF>
  • pull     1pull n. 引くこと, ひと引き; 引力; ボートのひとこぎ; 《米》 引き, 手づる, コネ; (つらい)努力, がんばり; 引き手, 取っ手;
  • off     off adv. あちらに, 向こうへ, 離れて. 【副詞】 The fish is a bit off. 《口語》 魚が少々いたんでいる
  • pull it off    (漠然{ばくぜん}と)うまくやる
  • pull that off    難しいことができる I have no idea how David pulled that off. It's amazing. デイビドにあんなことができるなんて!すごい!
  • pull-off    {名-1} : 車を路肩に寄せること、待避場所◆【同】〈英〉lay-by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 曲線引金具{きょくせん ひき かなぐ}
  • lack the clout to pull it off    その実現{じつげん}には人脈{じんみゃく}が欠けている
  • pipe pull-off    pipe pull-off パイプ引取装置[化学]
  • pull off a big coup    大当たりを取る
  • pull off a biological attack    生物攻撃{せいぶつ こうげき}を成し遂げる
  • pull off a coup    大成功を収める、大当たりを取る
  • pull off a double play    重殺{じゅうさつ}する
  • pull off a double steal    重盗{じゅうとう}する
  • pull off a feat    離れ業を演じる
  • pull off a good speculation    うまく一山当てる
  • pull off a great coup    大当たりする


  • can pull off more than 3 groups in one day .
    一日に 3組担当なんてのは できない芸当だよね。
  • this taste is something i somehow can't pull off .
    この味が なかなか出せないんだよね。
  • you pull off that ecig . not a lot of people do .
    電子たばこ吸えるんだ なかなか見かけないな
  • requires you to pull off at least five miracles .
  • will the diver be able to pull off a rip entry ?
    飛び込み選手は きれいに着水できるか?
  • if he's right , it would be hard to pull off .
    ホームズの言うとおりなら 犯行は 難しいな
  • clearly not smart enough to pull off a robbery .
    強盗をするほど賢く無いのは 明らかだな
  • i must pull off an awesome slam dunk somehow awesome one !
  • isn't hardly big enough to pull off a takeover .
    とても買収できるような規模の 会社じゃねえんだ
  • no . but this isn't something he can pull off alone .
    いえ 一常務ができることじゃないだろ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • pull or pull out sharply; "pluck the flowers off the bush"
    Synonyms: pluck, tweak, pick off,

  • remove by drawing or pulling; "She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth"; "draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese"
    Synonyms: draw off, draw away,

  • cause to withdraw; "We pulled this firm off the project because they overcharged"

  • be successful; achieve a goal; "She succeeded in persuading us all"; "I managed to carry the box upstairs"; "She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it"; "The pianist negociated the difficult runs"
    Synonyms: negociate, bring off, carry off, manage,

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